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April 2016 ~ Worm 4 Space

Saturday, 30 April 2016

What is The Worm Hole

A worm hole  is a theoretical passage through the space-time can create a shortcut for long distances in the universe. General Theory of Relativity predicted the existence of holes appendicitis. But beware, worm holes brings with it the dangers of sudden collapse, the risk of higher radiation and communicate with exotic materials.Worm hole theory:In 1935, use physicists Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen, the general theory of relativity to suggest the existence of bridges through spacetime. These corridors, has been renamed the "Einstein-Rosen bridges" or "worm holes", connecting two different points in space-time, creating brief theoretical way can reduce the travel time and distance.  
Holes worms consist of 2 nozzles called each other "mouth" and reaches them through called "episodes" and the throat may be straight or curved, and predicts the existence of the general theory of relativity holes worms mathematically but none of them has not discovered yet. It can puncture worm negative bloc to discover through the effect of gravity on light passing beside him.
Public allied theory allows the existence of worm holes be "mouth" black hole, but this does not mean that any black hole caused by the collapse of a giant star is not necessarily the mouth of the wormhole.

Filled with sci-fi stories travel through worm holes. But the fact that this book is very complex not only because we have not been able so far to monitor one.The first problem is size. Holes worms primitive than expected found in microscopic levels of about 10 ^ -33 cm. However it is with the inflation of the universe could be that some of them may be extended for bigger sizes.
The equilibrium may be another problem, Einstein-Rosen bridges may be useless to travel because they break down quickly. But a recent study found that a wormhole could contain foreign material that remains open and does not change for longer periods.Exotic matter, which should not confuse between them and the dark matter and antimatter, has a negative energy density, and high negative pressure. Such materials were seen only in the behavior of some steric cases as part of quantum field theory. If the wormhole a sufficient amount of "foreign material" whether existing nature or added artificially, could theoretically be used to send information or traveling through space contained.
It not only can worm holes that connects two separate areas in the universe, can also linking 2 different Space. Similarly, some scientists guessed that if he were to move one's mouth in a certain way it will be allowed to travel through time. Nevertheless opposed the British cosmologist Stephen Hawking famous holes possibility of using worms in this way.
Although The addition of exotic materials for holes worms may make them stable so that a person can travel with safety, but it could be well enough ordinary matter to destabilize the gate.Current technology is difficult to grow or stabilize worm hole even if they exist. However, scientists explore the principle completed as a way to travel through the place in the hope that technology can finally use them.

Friday, 29 April 2016

NASA releases new images of the planet Mars.

  • It is the second smallest planets of the solar system after Mercury.

  • Diameter Mars is about 6800 Km

  • Just Mars around the sun 228 Million Km Any and a half times the distance between Earth And the sun.

  • Scientists believe that the climate on Mars is similar to Earth's climate.

  • Degree Heat on the surface of Mars up to 20 Degrees Celsius at noon time at the equator in the summer.

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Leonard Susskind

Leonard Susskind (born June, 1940) is the professor of theoretical physics at Stanford University, and director of the Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics. His research interests include string theoryquantum field theory,quantum statistical mechanics and quantum cosmology He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences of the US, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, an associate member of the faculty of Canada's Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, and a distinguished professor of the Korea Institute for Advanced Study.
Susskind is widely regarded as one of the fathers of string theory, having, with Yoichiro Nambu and Holger Bech Nielsen, independently introduced the idea that particles could in fact be states of excitation of a relativistic string.He was the first to give a precise string-theory interpretation of the holographic principle in 1995, and the first to introduce the idea of the string theory landscape in 2003 .Susskind was awarded the 1998 J. J. Sakurai Prize .

* To day i want to talk about his famous idea and theory it's about the hologram : 
Leonard susskind He did not like the words of Stephen Hawking's black holes, and specifically for the loss of information inside the black hole, and explained that this important breakthrough forthe law, which save the information law. Sescand triumphed in the end, as a result of thecontroversy rages, the theory of principle Alholograma proposed by Gerard Hooftemerged. Susskind is one of the largest contributors to the string theory, which gave a new concept for scientists' understanding of the universe and the particles and quantum physics. 
Holography principle (in English: holographic principle) is one of the special theory of tendons and principles and the principle also possible with regard to quantum gravity, which is trying to resolve the paradox of the black hole information through string theory.This principle provides for the characterization of a given volume of space through the coding of its information on the full limits (preferably choosing somewhat similar-light [note 1] such as the horizon gravitational limit) and for black hole mention this principle that describe an object fell into this hole lies in surface fluctuations of the black hole horizon happened. The first to suggest that this principle is a theoretical physicist Gerard died, he got this principle is an accurate interpretation of using string theory done by Leonard Ssowskaand [1] [2] [3] where the integration of his thoughts on this principle with the findings of both died and Charles Thorne. Rafael Poso has pointed out that Thorne has been observed since 1978 that string theory provides a description based on a smaller number of dimensions and show the gravity including label can be a way Hologravea.
The sense of a more general principle Holography is assumed that it is possible to look at the entire universe Kpnip of bi-dimensional information "painted" on the cosmic horizon, so that the holographic images that we see now are just a drop too amplifier such information enjoys being a power very low in comparison with her. Until now it has not been described holography cosmic mathematical equations minute due in part to that in the cosmic horizon limited space to grow with the passage of time.Holography was inspired by the principle of the thermodynamics of black holes, which suggest the presence of fit between the entropy of Adhamiya in space with the radius of the square space (not with cubed radius, as is expected). Where the principle of Alholograveh suggests the existence of similar suits in the case of the black hole so that the informational content (in other words, entropy) own all objects that fell into the black hole that symbolizes the entire horizon across the surface of the vagaries of the special event black hole. Holography principle resolves the paradox of the black hole information within the framework of string theory. Nevertheless, there are a range of classical solutions to Einstein's equations allow for entropy to take values ​​higher than those allowed by the law of the surface and thus higher than those of black holes. These solutions are called "gold-filled Wheeler Bags". These solutions are incompatible with the proposed interpretation Holography and so far no one has come to understand the effects of these solutions accurately on the quantum theory of gravitation, including the principle Holography . 

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

NASA : Filipino Satellite Deployed from Japanese Lab

  • A microsatellite designed in the Philippines was deployed outside Japan’s Kibo laboratory module this morning for climate research. Inside the International Space Station, the crew continued more human research to improve the health of astronauts in space and citizens on Earth.

DIWATA-1, Filipino for “fairy”, is orbiting Earth after being released today from a satellite deployer mechanism outside the Kibo module’s airlock. The 50-kilogram-class microsatellite will observe the Earth’s climate to improve weather forecasting and natural disaster response.
The Expedition 47 crew is continuing its research today into how the lack of gravity affects thefluid shifts and pressure inside a crew member’s head. Scientists are also looking at how astronauts work with detailed, interactive tasks for the Fine Motor Skills study using a touchscreen tablet.
The space station regularly experiences stresses on its structure when spaceships dock, during spacewalks and crew exercise sessions. Researchers will look at some of the vibration data sent down by the crew today for the long-running Identification study.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Monday, 25 April 2016

Stephen Hawking

 *The most important thing in life of physicists is to know the physical and the study of phenomena with the analysis. 
Some physicists devoted their lives for this purpose. Physicians,one of the finest contemporary we find Stephan Hawking  .

To day i want to talk about his great and lovely idea about :  black hole . 

  • The idea of ​​a so-called Horizon  where nothing can- completely incompatible with quantum physics. "Thus the great physicist Stephen Hawking said in another research published him, causing a sensation in scientific circles around the world. He claimed Hawking that the concept of" event horizon Event horizon "- a hidden the extent that it can not be anything including light out of it anyway bypassed under the influence of the black hole attracting - is a real and contradictory with quantum physics.

  • Instead of the "event horizon," Hawking presents the idea of ​​"virtual horizon", where matter and energy are temporarily booked inside until it is released again at the end, but distorted. He says that quantum theory allows the energy and information to escape from the attractiveness of the black hole. This new research comes an attempt to resolve what is known as the "paradox of firewall black hole", which was discovered about two years ago by a theoretical physicist Joseph Bolshinski.

  • This paradox occurs when you try to answer the question of what the astronaut may occur when approaching a black hole. According to the general theory of relativity, what will happen is that the astronaut will cross the event horizon without feeling something, then his body starts to elongation largely as a result of the terrible tension caused by gravity force a black hole until it is crushed in the end when what is known as a point singularity (singularity) - with infinite density theory points exist when the black hole center.

  • While the conclusion Bolshinski come, reached by the laws of quantum physics, states that the event horizon will be a region with very high energy; firewall enough to burn astronaut completely before bypassed them. Hence the paradox came a stark contradiction between general relativity and quantum physics.

  • But now Hawking poses a third option is much simpler and reconciles between general relativity and quantum physics. Black holes simply does not have the event horizon, the key to the solution lies in the effects of quantum mechanics around the black hole causing a large fluctuation in the fabric of space-time makes it impossible for the whereabouts fairly clear in space.

  • Instead, it is proposed the idea of ​​"virtual horizon" which is about the surface of the stand has light rays that are trying to get out of the black hole, according to general relativity, the biplane which represent the event horizon and virtual horizon Akunan identical, as the light that is trying to escape from a black hole can not bypass the virtual horizon but would remain on hold him (like a person on an electric walker - make energy in motion, but it remains stalled in its place).
  • But when the ingestion of amounts of material inside the black hole, the event horizon swells and larger than the virtual horizon. The reverse is also true. Hawking has assumed before that black holes could also be an absolute so-called "Hawking radiation" In this case, the event horizon of deflation will become smaller than the virtual horizon in theory. But in both cases the virtual horizon will be the true extent of the black hole. The event horizon would not exist.

  • In contrast to the event horizon, the virtual horizon is possible to disappear in the end, allowing the exit of anything that was being held at home (but will not be in such condition or form indigenous). It is difficult to know how it could happen, but one of the assumptions says that when he shrinks to a certain size has to be the effects of quantum mechanics and relativity identical, it simply fades.
  • If Hawking is right, it means that it may not even uniqueness point in the center of the black hole there. Which means that the article will only be held behind the virtual horizon is moving too slowly to the inside because of the attractiveness of the black hole, but it will never reach the center. While information relating to such material is not destroyed or out outside the scope of the universe as I expected some previous hypotheses, but leave the black hole through Hawking radiation. Nevertheless, they will be confused and completely different from the situation in which it entered the black hole, which makes it very difficult to know what was inside the black hole swallowed by.

Sunday, 24 April 2016

The big bang

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Big Bang theory" redirects here. For the American TV sitcom, see The Big Bang Theory. For other uses, see Big Bang (disambiguation) and Big Bang Theory (disambiguation).
According to the Big Bang model, theuniverse expanded from an extremely dense and hot state and continues to expand.
The Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmological model for the universe from the earliest known periods through its subsequent large-scale evolution.[1][2][3] The model accounts for the fact that the universe expanded from a very high density and high temperature state,[4][5] and offers a comprehensive explanation for a broad range of phenomena, including the abundance of light elements, the cosmic microwave backgroundlarge scale structure and Hubble's Law.[6] If the known laws of physics are extrapolated beyond where they have been verified, there is a singularity. Some estimates place this moment at approximately 13.8 billion years ago, which is thus considered the age of the universe.[7] After the initial expansion, the universe cooled sufficiently to allow the formation of subatomic particles, and later simple atoms. Giant clouds of these primordial elements later coalesced through gravity to form stars and galaxies.
Since Georges Lemaître first noted, in 1927, that an expanding universe might be traced back in time to an originating single point, scientists have built on his idea of cosmic expansion. While the scientific community was once divided between supporters of two different expanding universe theories, the Big Bang and the Steady State theory, accumulated empirical evidence provides strong support for the former.[8] In 1929, from analysis of galactic redshiftsEdwin Hubble concluded that galaxies are drifting apart; this is important observational evidence consistent with the hypothesis of an expanding universe. In 1965, the cosmic microwave background radiation was discovered, which was crucial evidence in favor of the Big Bang model, since that theory predicted the existence of background radiation throughout the universe before it was discovered. More recently, measurements of the redshifts of supernovae indicate that the expansion of the universe is accelerating, an observation attributed to dark energy's existence.[9] The known physical laws of nature can be used to calculate the characteristics of the universe in detail back in time to an initial state of extreme density and temperature.[